
  • Duo Takase Violin&Piano Concert

    Duo Takase Violin&Piano Concert

    Experience the heartfelt melodies of Duo Takase, a gifted couple from Japan, as they spread the music as evangelists. Their harmonies will stir your soul. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness not only their wonderful music but also hear their inspiring testimony (with English translation provided). Admission is free, but… Read More

  • Bilingual Service Tomorrow

    Tomorrow’s worship service will be bilingual. The service will start at 5 PM, and light refreshment will be provided afterward. Please join us! Read More

  • First Worship Service Begins April 7

    Worship service at San Diego Kibo Church will begin on April 7th! The service starts at 5 p.m. After the service, there will be a fellowship time with light refreshments. Everyone is welcome to join! Read More

  • San Diego Kibō Church new website launched!

    We are excited to announce that the launch of If you have any questions, please contact us! Read More